Solar Eclipse Rituals

The solar eclipse is a time of new beginnings, of setting our sights on what we want to manifest in our lives. It is a time of personal power, of coming into our own. And it is also a time when the veil between the worlds is at its thinnest, making it easier for us to connect with the spirit realm. There are many different ways to honor and work with the energy of the solar eclipse. Here are some of our favorite rituals.


The solar eclipse is a time to release what is no longer serving you. This can be anything from a toxic relationship to a bad habit. Let go of what is weighing you down so that you can make room for new and better things in your life. To do this, you can write down what you want to release on a piece of paper. Then, burn the paper in a safe place and visualize your burdens being lifted from you. You can also bury the paper in the ground or throw it into running water. As you do this, say out loud or to yourself, "I release ______ from my life." Fill in the blank with whatever it is that you want to let go of.

New Beginnings

A solar eclipse is an opportunity for new beginnings. It's a time to let go of the past and start fresh. To do this, you can perform a ritual during the eclipse. First, take a moment to reflect on what you want to release. This could be anything that's no longer serving you, such as a bad habit or negative thought pattern. Once you've identified what you want to let go of, make a conscious decision to release it. Then, focus your attention on what you want to bring into your life. This could be something you want to manifest, such as abundance, love, or success. Visualize yourself achieving your goal, and feel the emotions of happiness and gratitude. Finally, take action steps towards your goal. The solar eclipse is a powerful time to set your intention and start fresh. So take advantage of this opportunity and use it to create the life you want.


As the moon passes in front of the sun, take a moment to give thanks for the light and energy that the sun provides. Offer a prayer of gratitude for the life-giving power of the sun. If you are able, spend some time in meditation or contemplation during the eclipse. Absorb the energy of the eclipse and use it to reflect on your own life and journey.


The solar eclipse is a time for new beginnings, and one of the best ways to start fresh is to forgive someone who has wronged you. If you're holding onto anger or resentment, let it go during the eclipse. This doesn't mean you have to be best friends with the person, but forgiveness will help you move on and release any negativity you're carrying around. You can also use the eclipse as an opportunity to forgive yourself. If you've made mistakes or been through tough times, give yourself some grace and compassion. The solar eclipse is a time of rebirth, so use it as a chance to start anew.


The solar eclipse is a time of transformation. It is a time to release the old and embrace the new. To do this, you can perform a ritual. First, take a moment to reflect on what you want to let go of. This can be anything that is no longer serving you, such as a negative thought pattern or belief. Once you have identified what you want to release, let it go. You can do this by burning it, burying it, or releasing it into the universe. Then, take a moment to focus on what you want to bring into your life. This can be anything that will help you move forward, such as a new goal or intention. Once you have identified what you want to bring into your life, make a commitment to yourself to make it happen. Solar eclipses are powerful times of transformation. Use this energy to let go of what is no longer serving you and to bring into your life what will help you move forward.